谁知道drama someday 的歌词
谁知道drama someday 的歌词
出自 DramaSomeday
“People laugh and people cry
Some give up some always try
Some say hi while some say bye
Some will forget you but never will I”
People laugh and people cry
Some give up some always try
Some say hi while some say bye
Some will forget you but never will I
Write down tears or write down smile
Wanna a sun or a kiss beyond night
Wave to all in noise or just a quiet
It is time or the mind which can fly
Congratulations to you let us celebrate the graduation
Drama will be present let us send the invitations
Someday the words can not say out all of the passion
Someday your eyes can answer all the questions
All the stars (have) fallen in to your eyes
and there are where the moon was waken
All the promises (have) fallen into my heart and never be taken
Someday the words just can not say out all of the reasons
Someday my face changes so do seasons
Find out who you are and don't be afraid of it
Drama someday let's try write down some memories of it
Someday the story is over it's just over then
Hold this breath listen to the song of it
(Piano Solo)
I laugh i cry and I realize
Some will forget you but never will I
People laugh and people cry
Some give up some always try
Some say hi while some say bye
Some will forget you but never will I
给同桌的毕业离别赠言英语作文 初中的 急~~~~
一首英文歌曲吧。李霁的。People laugh and people cry
Some give up some always try
Some say hi while some say bye
Some will forget you but never will I
Write down tears or write down smile
Wanna a sun or a kiss beyond night
Wave to all in noise or just a quiet
It is time or the mind which can fly
Congratulations to you let us celebrate the graduation
Drama will be present let us send the invitations
Someday the words can not say out all of the passion
Someday your eyes can answer all the questions
All the stars (have) fallen in to your eyes
and there are where the moon was waken
All the promises (have) fallen into my heart and never be taken
Someday the words just can not say out all of the reasons
Someday my face changes so do seasons
Find out who you are and don't be afraid of it
Drama someday let's try write down some memories of it
Someday the story is over it's just over then
Hold this breath listen to the song of it
(Piano Solo)
I laugh i cry and I realize
Some will forget you but never will I
People laugh and people cry
Some give up some always try
Some say hi while some say bye
Some will forget you but never will I
一、冯岩的简历? 冯岩,笔名泉石,陋室求索斋,现从医百草堂门诊。出生于1942年11月14日,甘肃榆中人。大专学历。中国书画家协会会员、中国楹联学会会员、甘肃省书法家协会会员。 二
电影诞生至今已有逾百年的 历史 ,早已成为我们生活中不可或缺的 娱乐 方式。当我们看电影的时候,我们到底在看什么? 电影就像做爱。刚开始为爱而做,接下来为做而做,最后为
一、潍坊文化市场(以前广丰那个)搬哪里去了? 一部分搬到虞河路文化市场。附属医院大门口正对面就是。 二、潍坊什么地方有 卖古董的? 潍坊 上面有介 绍什么地 方有 卖古董的! 三